An Evening with Miguel Ruiz Jr.

Thu. Oct 20, 2016 at 7:30pm CDT
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An Evening with Miguel Ruiz Jr.


An Evening with Miguel Ruiz Jr: 
Blossoming into Awareness
Thursday, Oct 20, 2016

There are 360 degrees of possibilities surrounding you. This point – this now – is your potential. To move forward in any direction is to make a choice; you say yes to something and no to all else. This is true regardless of whether or not you are aware of the infinite possibilities present in each moment.

The more attached you are to something, the more your vision is obscured and narrowed, sometimes to the point where you are convinced that there is only one way to proceed. Your attachment to a belief cuts off your ability to see beyond that one possibility. So, as you make choices to let go of attachments that no longer work for you, your options seem to grow and expand. But what you are really doing is increasing your perspective, as all possibilities are there all along.

In this workshop, our perception will blossom into the awareness that we are the constant in every relationship we are in; thus we are either the constant opportunity for either conditional love or unconditional love in life. The choice we make will impact not only our possibilities in life, because we are alive to love with the complete freedom of life.

Drawing on the Toltec wisdom he learned from his father and grandmother, don Miguel Ruiz Jr., author of the books The Five Levels of Attachment and Living a Life of Awareness, explores how our attachments create our reality, and how our beliefs become intimately connected to our identity, or who we think we are. He also explains how we can let go of these attachments to allow the blossoming of our awareness in our life, regaining the freedom to love life unconditionally.

Teaching the principles found in The Five Levels of Attachment and Living a Life of Awareness, don Miguel Ruiz Jr., will help you awaken your intent and teach you how:

- Become aware of how you confuse “who you are” with “what you know”
- Gain awareness of how your attachments have created your reality
- Stop creating your identity based on the opinions and judgments of others around you
- Let go of the fear of what you are without your beliefs
- Make new agreements that are more in line with your true authentic self


About Miguel Ruiz Jr.

At the age of 14, don Miguel Ruiz Jr. apprenticed to his father don Miguel Sr. and his grandmother, Madre Sarita. From that early age, he was called upon to translate Madre Sarita's prayers, lectures and workshops from Spanish into English. In this way, through constant repetition and review, he learned the content of her teachings in both languages.

Through interpreting for Madre Sarita, don Miguel Jr. came to understand the power of faith. He saw first-hand how she manifested her intent to heal people, both physically and spiritually.        

don Miguel Jr.'s apprenticeship lasted 10 years. When he reached his mid-20's, his father intensified his training. At the apex of this power journey don Miguel said to his eldest son, "Find your way out. Go home and master Death by becoming alive."       

For the past eight years, don Miguel Jr. has applied the lessons learned from his father and grandmother to define and enjoy his own personal freedom while achieving peace with all of creation.                                                                                       


Childcare is available for this event with 48 hr. confirmed reservation. To request childcare click here.



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Unity of Houston 2929 Unity Drive
Houston, TX 77057
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