Sound Healing Journeywork - Raise Your Vibration

Fri. Oct 16, 2020 6:00pm - 7:30pm EDT
All Ages
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Sound Healing Journeywork - Raise Your Vibration ~ Guided by Ben Carroll

**Registration gains you access to the live event on Friday October 16th, as well as access to a recording of the event for 7 days afterwards.**

I believe that raising your vibration is of the utmost importance at this time. As you raise your vibration you begin to affect the world around you.

You have the ability to activate and hold a higher resonance within yourself, which in turn reflects a higher vibration out into the world. As you put this higher vibration out to the world, the world meets you at that place of higher vibration, the experiences that you have start to be a reflection of that higher vibration, the people that you meet start start to be a reflection of that higher vibration, and the internal experiences that you have start be be a reflection of that higher vibration. The whole patterning of your world, internal and external, starts to shift.
It is possible to live in a completely different world without going anywhere at all...I have experienced this first hand. I believe this to be the key to creating the new world that we dream of, it starts with each of us learning how to hold a higher vibration.

Another benefit of holding this higher resonance is that it helps others to start entraining to a higher vibration as well. This is called sympathetic resonance. Human are not just beings of flesh and blood, we are beings of energy, frequency, and resonance. As we hold a higher resonance others start to entrain to those higher frequencies.

A perfect (and easy to understand) example of sympathetic resonance is this: if you have 2 cellos in a room together and you play a big full note on one, the second cello will also start to tone that same frequency, actually ringing that note out. We as human beings affect each other in a similar way.

During this powerful 90 minute sonic event we will utilize sound and energy to help us achieve a blissfully relaxed state. We will set the intention to release any fear or anger that may be lingering within, releasing any of the denser energies that are coming to the surface at this time. From this space of relaxed release we can allow ourselves to recalibrate by coming back into energetic alignment with the highest version of ourselves, raising our vibration to a higher state.

Guided by former Universal Recording Artist, Ben Carroll, we will utilize the energy of the group coming together to amplify our intention as we experience Ben's 4+ octave voice, quartz crystal singing bowls, solfeggio tubes, coupled with elements like binaural beats designed to help us go even deeper. (More info on Ben Carroll:

You will be able to enjoy this experience from the comfort of your own home, all you need is:
*Access to the internet and Facebook
*A quiet space where you can remain uninterrupted for 90 minutes.
*Blankets, pillows, and wherever will make you comfortable laying down. (Remaining seated is also an option if that better serves you.)
*Stereo Headphones (The higher the quality, the better the sound, but any headphones will do.)

**Registration gains you access to the live event on Friday October 16th, as well as access to a recording of the event for 7 days afterwards.**


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Venue Details
InnerSelfSustained ONLINE EVENT
Kennebunk, Maine 04043