BrightSide Blue “Inspired Beauty” House Concert
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BrightSide Blue “Inspired Beauty”
November 10, Sunday, 5 pm - 7 pm
Lindsay Bellows & Ananda Vaughan, both musicians in their own budding careers, have found the perfect complements in each other. Lindsay, a songbird in human form, vocally soars with soft and radiant wings over the lush textures of Ananda's musical landscapes and compelling guitaristics.
BrightSide Blue are rising stars on the scene! Equal parts groove & melody, their songs keep audiences delightfully engaged -- tapping feet, singing along, basking in the love for life that radiates from this couple. We know you’ll LOVE BrightSide Blue as we do!
watch and listen here:
or here:
Hosted by Lloyd Barde & Deborah Wilder, in their RelaxMansion House Concerts
Near Lithia Park (plenty of parking)
$15 advance or RSVP, $20 door, adv tix at BrightStar Live Events. (under 12, free!)
RSVP for address to Lloyd 541.488.8282 phone or 415.847.1144 text msg or email to [email protected]