Celtic Spirituality Online Gathering - Bealtaine
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We are delighted to offer these online Celtic Gatherings with you as we move through the seasons accompanied by the Celtic Wheel of the Year sensing how journeying within this ancient, yet very much alive, Celtic Wisdom Tradition offers us a way to connect with nature and to connect deeply to our true selves.
"Seán and Mary have been friends for years, and this shows in the ease with which they work together. They present us with an array of tools and possibilities for diving into Celtic Spirituality, as each session follows the Celtic seasonal calendar. Mary brings a lifetime steeped in the tradition, and in her easy conversational style, shares poems, stories, mythology, and leads simple and profound rituals, in which we all participate from our homes. Indeed, the whole experience is like being in good company by the fireside. Seán’s gorgeous voice touches the deepest parts of our nature, as he invites us to join him in the singing of chants and songs. He’ll often sing in Irish. These afternoons are wonderful, helping us merge our daily lives into a timeless connection with Celtic wisdom and earthiness." -- Heather Dotterweich
- Instagram: @seanwildlotusband
Follow the event with #seanjohnsonandthewildlotusband