Daily Business Yoga Sadhana with Sat Kirtan

Wed. Sep 1, 2021 6:00am - 7:00am CEST
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Daily Business Yoga Sadhana with Sat Kirtan

Sat nam,


I'm grateful that you join me to start our day focused, relaxed and conscious and we share the daily Business Yoga Sadhana's.


Here is what we'll do, our agenda:

- Prayer: 11 times Bahuta Karam (pauri 25 from Japji)

- Warm up Kundalini Yoga kriya

- One of the 9 NineMinMax meditations from my book Bye Bye Stress in 9 Minutes or Less

- Relaxation

- Take Away & Closing I’m looking forward to meet you in zoom at 6.00 am Amsterdam time zone.

Watch the explanation video here: https://youtu.be/hLkY8qZjaVg


☀️Try it out for free.


PS: If you can't make it at 6.00 - 7.00 am, do sign up and watch the replay. 


If you like it, you can make a donation.


Have a beautiful day and looking forward to meet you in the virtual space. Sat nam, Sat Kirtan Kaur Khalsa







If you want to learn something, read about it.

If you want to understand something, write about it

If you want to master something, teach it.

- Yogi Bhajan- 


If you love these short and powerful meditations and want to learn how to share them within the Business world, join me for the Teacher Training to become a Succesfull Business Yoga Teacher in 90 Days with Clients. 


We've recorded a free masterclass for you: www.gurugian.nl/masterclass-business-yoga

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Venue Details
Map of Venue Location.
From My Home to Your home van lijnden van hemmenstraat
hoofddorp, Noord-Holland 2132SJ
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