Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training w/ Snatam & Family

Sat. Oct 26, 2019 at 9:00am PDT
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The Aquarian Teacher, KRI Level One Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Program, in the East Bay of the San Francisco Bay Area

Eight weekends from October 26,2019 through June 7,2020 – Plus a five-day intensive retreat May 17-22.

This Teacher Training Program will be led by Sat Santokh Singh, Prabhu Nam Kaur, Snatam Kaur, Sopurkh Singh, Caroline Sarab Prakash, and Awtar Kaur.

About Our Teacher Training Course

This Teacher Training Course is being led by a family that personifies what it is to lead a yogic and devotional life on a daily basis. 

Sat Santokh will celebrate his 50th year of teaching and practicing Kundalini Yoga when this course begins, shortly after his 80th birthday. He wishes to make clear that the most important investment a person can make, is to take up and maintain a daily practice of Kundalini Yoga, so that one may approach one’s senior years with vigor, clarity, and vibrant health. He has been on the cutting edge of our collective evolution in consciousness for over fifty years, both as a social change activist and as a leader in the application of yogic technology to living in the world while caring about it deeply. His workshops generate a profoundly magical and sacred space in which one’s heart is deeply touched. A former manager of the Grateful Dead, he is the senior Kundalini Yoga teacher in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Prabhu Nam Kaur, a beloved mother figure to her many devoted students, has been leading Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training with her husband for many years, and has been singing sacred mantra and Shabad from the Kundalini Yoga and Sikh traditions for 49 years. She is also a teacher of Naad Yoga (the yoga of sacred sound) and a singer of devotional chant music, through which the listener/participant is transported to a sublime experience of the sound current. Her albums include: Ardas, Sopurkh, Seasons of the Soul, and with her daughter Snatam Kaur, Mother’s Blessing and Divine Birth.

Snatam Kaur - I grew up completely immersed in the teachings of Kundalini Yoga and Sikh Dharma experiencing my first bliss roaring as a lion, hissing like a snake, and flying like a butterfly through Kundalini Yoga classes with the other children in our Ashram, or community house; my yoga practice began with tumbling laughter, joy, and elaborate imaginings of jungle adventures. 

The sound of my mother’s voice singing songs of the Sikh tradition floated gently through the house each evening, as I witnessed her taking solace in the healing words of Shabad Guru, or teacher through sacred sound. 

As a teenager I naturally took shelter in this sacred sound and would often be found in the family meditation room singing my heart out. I would chant until my pain lifted. Sometimes it would take 5 minutes, sometimes 2 hours. But I knew I had a method to heal. I would read my yoga manuals as one would read a novel, and finally in my twenties I began teaching Kundalini Yoga. 

I realized early on that the practice of singing Shabad Guru could deeply support my Kundalini yoga practice and vise versa. It became my passion to share the energy of this symbiotic relationship and my music career launched from this basic seed with my first solo album called Prem, an album inspired both by my nightly personal singing practice and weekly Kundalini Yoga class that I was teaching.

I am very excited to be a part of our family team in facilitating the process of you all becoming Kundalini Yoga teachers, so that this sacred wisdom that I’ve grown up with can be shared and spread throughout this planet in these desperate times.

In this teacher training course I will share the science of Naad Yoga, giving empowerment to musicians and non-musicians alike to discover the great musical instrument of the human body. I will also dive into the power of Mantra, giving people a chance to fall in love with the healing vibrations of these sacred chants. 

Throughout the course I will share my love of family and how to live as a spiritual householder for the most uplifted and conscious approach to marriage, motherhood, family and work. This is such key knowledge for yoga teachers in these times and it all comes back to Sadhana or daily spiritual practice, which I first taught about in my book called Original Light, and which will be an integral part of this course. 

Sopurkh Singh brings to the Teacher Training Course his experience from over 20 years of devoted Sadhana. Through this daily practice of Kundalini Yoga & Meditation, Sopurkh has completely turned his life around from a life of fantasy, fear and getting high on drugs to a life compassion, love and service to others. 

At the heart of this transformation, he reminds students that they must find a true source of strength and happiness in order to be successful. His service is to share the tools of Kundalini Yoga & Meditation that are required to make this change in consciousness a reality with his love and humor.

Sopurkh began his study of yoga with Gurmukh Kaur in Los Angeles. He expanded and deepened his love for this practice by learning to play Tabla and to read Gurmukhi. The practice of Indian percussion teaches him to be conscious of his actions through steadiness and rhythm; these are essential qualities of a teacher. Reciting the original language of the Guru’s words teaches him to be conscious of his thoughts and words; these are essential qualities of a healer.

Sopurkh’s devotion to teaching, music and healing led him to Sat Nam Rasayan. This healing practice for himself and others allows Sopurkh to truly relax and enjoy sharing these gifts with others in a way that touches and uplifts their Souls.

Caroline Sarab Prakash, the founder of O Yoga in Berlin and an amazing physiotherapist, and Guru Karam Kaur, one of the leading KY teachers in Sonoma County and wonderfully skillful massage therapist, will bring their knowledge and skill of how to practice yogic postures with ease and grace, at whatever level one’s body is ready for. They will also share how to make a financial success of being a Kundalini Yoga teacher.

What this course includes

Yogi Bhajan created a new word to encapsulate the practice of living as a realized being – Humanology. It is a huge subject area that includes: 

  • How to live in a meaningful, loving, and romantic partnership 

  • How to create the optimal circumstances for bringing a child into the world so they feel safe, secure and loved – so they can flourish and thrive

  • How and what to eat utilizing the depths of Ayurvedic wisdom

  • How to sleep well and wake up consciously

Between Snatam & Prabhu Nam Kaur, you will have the opportunity not only to learn the power and use of sacred mantras and bathe in the Sound Current, but also how to open your voice to the flow of the Divine within yourself.

At the retreat

In addition to his sharing how to live, practice, and teach Kundalini Yoga, Sat Santokh will include portions of his Healing the Wounds of Life workshops during the retreat, as most everyone has been wounded in the journey through life. The “wounds” are to one’s self esteem, wounds to one’s capacity to allow access to life’s abundance. We all have been wounded, in one way or another, by the things that have been done to us, the things that have happened to us, the things we have done to others or to ourselves. These wounds move into our subconscious and remain there throughout our lives, unlike physical wounds that generally heal after a while.

We want to become aware of, and develop, an ongoing connection with our higher selves. But we find that we are blocked by self-doubt, feeling not good enough and unworthy, by trying to prove we are OK. All too often our yoga practice creates opportunities to experience self-guilt, especially when we fail to keep the practice commitments, we made for ourselves.

Sat Santokh has been traveling around the world for the last twenty years to help people heal these wounds and change their stories from “I’m no good, I don’t deserve, I can’t trust, I’m all alone, I have to prove,” to being able to be, to trust and begin to allow the flow of life’s physical, emotional, material, and spiritual abundance. And then, be able to be open to the flow of Divine energy as accomplished Yogis.


Yogi Bhajan, Master of Kundalini Yoga, arrived in the United States in 1969 with a stated purpose: “I have come to create Teachers, not to gather disciples.”  For over 30 years, he traveled internationally teaching Kundalini Yoga, the Yoga of Awareness.  In 1969 Yogi Bhajan founded 3HO -- the Healthy, Happy, Holy Organization, based on his first principle “Happiness is your birthright.” Thousands of KRI Certified Kundalini Yoga Teachers have been trained through The Aquarian Teacher Program, instituted by Yogi Bhajan. In 1994, the International Kundalini Yoga Teachers Association, (IKYTA), was formed to further spread these priceless teachings through the united efforts of Kundalini Yoga teachers worldwide.

The Aquarian Teacher Certification program is open both to yoga students ready to become teachers and those who wish to immerse themselves in the science of Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan. 

Program Description: This is the KRI Level One Aquarian Teacher training program in Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan®.  In completing this Level One program, you will become certified to be an Instructor, and learn the fundamental principles and practices of Kundalini Yoga. You will develop the skills to instruct students in Kundalini Yoga kriyas and meditations as taught by Yogi Bhajan.  You will practice teaching Kundalini Yoga in a practicum setting, participate in early morning Sadhanas (spiritual practice), and experience the powerful transformational energy of White Tantric Yoga. This is a 220 hour course, which includes 200 hours of classroom instruction in a well-defined curriculum which includes:

Kundalini Yoga Postures, Kriyas & Meditation

Role of a Kundalini Yoga Teacher

Yogic Philosophy & The Origin of Kundalini Yoga

Yogic & Western Anatomy

Humanology & Yogic Lifestyle

This program is based on the comprehensive science of Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan. There are three levels of certification in the The Aquarian Teacher program:

KRI Level One: Foundations and Awakening - Instructor;

KRI Level Two: Transformation - Practitioner;

KRI Level Three: Realization - Teacher.  

Level One certification requires attendance at all scheduled morning sadhanas, class sessions, the White Tantric Yoga course, and special workshops, a passing grade on the KRI written exam, a satisfactory practicum presentation, and agreement to adhere to the code of professional standards. Certification is at the discretion of the trainers.

The course fee includes a one year membership in the International Kundalini Yoga Teachers Association.

Materials:  Participants will receive two books as the primary texts for the KRI Level One Teachers Training Course:

The Aquarian Teacher manual, an invaluable tool for learning and teaching Kundalini Yoga;

The Master’s Touch, a volume of 22 lectures, given by Yogi Bhajan, from the 1996 Teachers Training Course in New Mexico including the meditations he gave at that course.

2019 - 2020 East Bay Kundalini Yoga Aquarian Teacher

Training Course Weekend Workshop Dates:

October 26-27 

November 23-24

December 21-22

January 25-26

February 22-23

March 21-22

April 25-26

May retreat 17-22

June 6-7

Weekend course times are

9AM to 6:30 PM Saturdays, 9 AM to 5:30 PM Sundays

Refund Policy:
On or before September 26th 2019, refunds will be processed to the full extent paid, minus a $150 administration fee.  Refunds will not be issued beyond this date unless an emergency has occured, in which case please contact [email protected] with a detailed description of the circumstances to be considered and reviewed prior to authorizing a refund.

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Map of Venue Location.
Mills College 5000 MacArthur Blvd
Oakland, CA