Guided Meditation Class for Beginners

Mon. Dec 18, 2017 at 7:15pm EST
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Guided Meditation Class for Beginners

Come and connect and experience your light through meditation. 

This is a 1hour and 30 min guided meditation combined with deeksha as well with the golden orb phenomenon energy transmission.

The Oneness Blessing is an energy transfer that brings about a rapid shift in human consciousness also known as Awakening. Awakening transcends us from mere existing to living. This growth in consciousness results in a quieting of the mind and a flowering of the heart into unconditional love. Oneness is not affiliated with any established religion. The teachings are universal and focus on the Divine Being within each of us. All faiths will benefit from the Oneness Blessing.
The meditation is guided only in english.


Bruno Corvalan

Trainer - Oneness University - India

What is Oneness Blessing / Deeksha?
The transfer of Energy which initiates the journey into Higher States of Consciousness. Deeksha (also spelled as Diksha) in Sanskrit means benediction.  It is the transfer of Divine Energy which, over time is designed to bring about the state of Oneness in the recipient.  This energy has been brought to the World through Divine Grace and is being bestowed upon humanity by the twin Avatars of Enlightenment Sri Bhagavan and Sri Amma, who reside in the Golden City, India.

What happens during Deeksha?
Deeksha initiates a neurobiological change in the brain that when complete enables the senses to be free from the interference of the mind.  When the senses are unclouded by the mind’s interpretations, a natural clarity of perception occurs with accompanying spontaneous feelings of joy, inner calmness and connection to the Oneness in everything.

How is Deeksha transferred?   What might I experience?
Deeksha is transferred by the deeksha giver normally placing his or her hands onto the crown of your head, usually for about 1 minute.  Experiences during the deeksha vary, sometimes strong, sometimes subtle, sometimes delayed until even days later.  The recipient may experience a tingling sensation in the head, or blissful energy flowing through the body, or sometimes nothing at all.   Whatever the experience, the recipient can trust that the process of Oneness has begun, a process designed by Divine Grace for your own nature that will lead gradually (or sometimes spontaneously) into your own accelerated Awakening.

Who can receive Deeksha?
Most people over 18 can receive Deeksha. The exceptions are: Pregnant women after 16 weeks and people suffering from serious psychological illness (in which case healing Deeksha may be given instead).

Can Deeksha / Oneness Blessing  be done Remotely at a distance?  Yes it can be done for most anyone anywhere.

Who can offer Deeksha to others?
The deeksha can be transferred by anyone who has received the transmission and training during a special process in India. The Deeksha giver then works, as an empty vessel, for the energy to transfer to the receiver.  Keth is a Deeksha Giver.

Does Deeksha belong to any particular religion or belief?
Deeksha does not belong to any religion, nor any particular belief nor spiritual path. Deeksha is given each day to people all over the world, people of all races, all religions, all spiritual beliefs or no spiritual beliefs, and to people of all nationalities. It is not necessary to change one's religion, nor adopt a new guru or spiritual master to receive Deeksha - nor to offer Deeksha to others.

Why has Deeksha come at this time?
Our planet, and all of humanity, is currently undergoing a major evolutionary transformation. This is impacting our environment, our social structures, and our individual and collective consciousness. The twin avatars Sri Bhagavan and Sri Amma have been Divinely sent to help us with this transformation, offering this awakening to the masses for the first time in thousands of years. In a very short time we will witness all of humanity shift into what is being called The Golden Age of Oneness.

Can all of humanity really make this shift?
Yes. According to Sri Bhagavan it is necessary for only 0.001% of the world's population to become Awakened. 70,000 people.  Once this happens the collective consciousness will be so greatly affected so as to cause people the world over to also become Awakened.


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Map of Venue Location.
Oneness Miami 904 washington ave
miami beach, FL 33139