White Tantric Yoga Sweden

Sat. Mar 8, 2025 at 8:00am CET
All Ages
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The workshop will be held during White Tantric Weekend March 7-9, 2025 at Best Western Skogshöjd hotel in Södertälje, 30 km south of Stockholm. For more information about White Tantric Weekend please follow this link or read at the bottom of the page. 


 WORKSHOP FEES (Vegan and gluten-free lunch included)

  • Full price: 1950 SEK (Early Bird price 1685 SEK  if purchased by Jan 31, 2025)

  • Seniors 65+ and full-time students: 1700 SEK  (Early Bird price 1450 SEK (127 E) if purchased by Jan 31, 2025)

  • Young meditators (age 12-17) : 1230 SEK 

  • Monitor Fee (previous experience at White Tantric Yoga® required): 500 SEK


  • At the door: 2250 SEK



  • Come to the workshop ready to meditate, having done some yoga or stretching exercises.

  • Wear loose, comfortable, white clothing. White combines all the colors and enhances your magnetic field and auric strength.

  • Wear a white cotton head covering which FULLY covers the head and will stay on securely during the kriyas.

  • Please bring a blanket/sheepskin/yoga mat to sit on and a light blanket to cover yourself with during relaxation periods.

  • White Tantric Yoga® is a cleansing process. Water will be provided during the day and you may bring your own.

  • Please refrain from wearing perfumes or spraying essential oils, as it may disturb others.

  • Please be mindful that the White Tantric Yoga® space between the lines is limited and nothing but essential items as listed above should be brought into the space in a very consolidated fashion.Please leave valuables at home.

  • Photography and videography or use of any kind of recording device is prohibited at White Tantric Yoga®. Cameras are not allowed at the workshops and cell phones should be turned off.



White Tantric Yoga® will be presented as it has been to thousands and thousands of people, all around the world, for over 30 years.

 Each workshop consists of between six and eight kriyas. A kriya is a meditation incorporating: 

  • a yoga posture (asana)

  • a hand position (mudra)

  • a breathing technique (pranayama)

  • a mental focus and/or a mantra

Sometimes the kriyas are accompanied by music. These kriyas vary in length up to sixty-two minutes. There are breaks in between each Kriya.

The environment is peaceful, and the atmosphere is friendly, supportive, and uplifting. 


 There are no prerequisites for participating in White Tantric Yoga®. Beginners will tune into their internal energies and enjoy a deep and sometimes challenging meditative experience. More advanced meditation practitioners will deepen their experience and make new inroads to their spiritual awareness.



Our minds release 1000 thoughts per wink of an eye. Some of these thoughts get lost in the unconscious, and some get stuck in the subconscious and affect the conscious mind. These thoughts become feelings, emotions, desires, multi-realities or fantasies. Instead of mastering our mind, often our mind and thoughts direct or distract us, which can result in impulsive decisions, poor communication and self-imposed stressWhite Tantric Yoga® enables you to break through these subconscious blocks, so you can have a more enjoyable life. In the shortest time, you can experience release from a lot of the burden you carry in your mind.

When you see and act on each moment with clarity, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your life can change. Your mind, body, and soul can act together as one. This is the path to personal freedom and awareness, and will bring more success to every area of your life. White Tantric Yoga® is a registered trademark of Humanology and Health Science Inc.

Lunch - Vegan & Gluten-free lunch will be provided.

Water - Water stations will be provided, please bring your own water bottle. 

What’s expected of attendees:

  • Bring your digital Brightstar events ticket & ID.

  • Wear your provided wrist band given at check-in all day.

  • Be mindful of your social exposure before the workshop and do not attend if you are sick or presenting any symptoms including: fever, sore throat, cough, fatigue. loss taste and smell, and other flu-like or cold-like symptoms.

  • Be respectful and appreciative of the needs of others.



White Tantric Weekend

White Tantric yoga participants staying at Best Western Hotel Skogshöjd will receive 10%  discount on their room booking (single, double and family rooms available).The discount code YOGA applies only by telephone +46 8 503 53030. 

White Tantric Weekend calls you to gather in the warmth, coziness, and expansive practice of community, the Sadh Sangat. Give yourself the gift of deep cleansing, elevation, rejuvenation, inspiration and connection with your spirit tribe. We warmly welcome you to come together to serve and be served. Sat Nam

Friday, March 7, 2025

  • registration for White Tantra opens 6:00 pm

  • bazaar opens 

  • Evening sangat program with kirtan and socializing

  • spa

Saturday, March 8, 2025

  • sadhana 

  • White Tantric Yoga 8:00 am - 7:00 pm 

  • dinner

  • bazaar

Sunday, March 9, 2025

  • sadhana 

  • breakfast

  • check out

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Venue Details
Map of Venue Location.
Best Western Skogshöjd Täppgatan 15
Södertälje, Stockholm 151 21
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About the Organizer
Vit Tantrisk Yoga Sverige https://www.whitetantricyogasweden.org/

+46 73 621 65 16