Matt Kahn Interactive Workshop

Thu. Jan 27, 2022 7:00pm - 8:30pm PST
This is a virtual event and can be accessed by Telephone/Computer from anywhere in the world.
This is a virtual event and can be accessed by Telephone/Computer from anywhere in the world.
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This is a virtual event and can be accessed by Telephone/Computer from anywhere in the world.
Event Description

Together As One: Relationships and Soul Contracts an online group healing event via Zoom with Spiritual Teacher, Intuitive Healer, and Best-Selling Author, Matt Kahn.

Do you get confused between what is “meant to be” and the will of your choice? Are you tired of attracting the same patterns in your relationships? Isn’t it time to build connections from a space of freedom, mutual respect and fulfillment, instead of being entangled in cycles of co-dependency, enabling, and people-pleasing? 

If so, then please join Matt Kahn and the All for Love global community for one of the juiciest and clarifying virtual group healing events to uncover the highest truths and living potential around relationships and soul contracts. If you thought Matt's “Twin Flames & Soulmates” YouTube video was something, then you are in for quite a treat with this one. 

Whether attending live or reserving your space to watch via replay, this healing event is your opportunity to:

  • Understand the truth about soul contracts, so as not to be manipulated or disempowered by misunderstood spiritual concepts.

  • Learn how to shift your energy to attract the kind of relationships you deserve and desire. 

  • Clear the energy of previous relationships on a cellular level as a way of calling in the new people ready to enter your life. 

  • Deepen your ability to recognize which relationships support your evolution and which relationships are distracting you from it. 

If you’re ready to be done with living out a “Groundhog’s Day” of personal interactions, if you're tired of feeling overlooked, left out, and undervalued, and are ready to connect heart-to-heart with those who only want what’s best for you, then you won’t want to miss a moment of this deeply clarifying and soul-relieving, Together as One group healing event. 

This interactive virtual workshop will include channeled teachings, a live video Q&A with participants, as well as interactive exercises and emotional processes to help you heal all aspects of your heart and further your remembrance of awakened liberated joy. As we join together as one global community, we are able to unite our highest intentions and amplify our vibrational power to help each other face the unfaceable, and come out the other side more integrated, embodied, and empowered than ever before.

Think of this as a mini-retreat experience brought directly into the comfort of your home. Its intention is to meet you exactly where you are, hold a sacred space of profound safety for all that is ready to be seen, felt and heard, and to help you realize who you truly are - the most powerful evolving force of consciousness throughout your life.

Due to the sensitive nature of live questions, this footage will not be posted on YouTube, but will feature three weeks of free, downloadable replays for every registered participant. Through this exciting new offering, may we come together as one in heart-centered community to reclaim the power of our divinity, and step deeper into the grace of liberation as a living blessing of remembrance for the light awakening in all.

When: Thursday, January 27, 2022 - 7:00-8:30pm PT 

Timezone converter:

Where:  Zoom


• This event will be offered with a sliding scale -- please purchase at the level that meets your individual needs ($10, $25, $40).

Ticket sales will end 30 minutes prior to the event (6:30pm PT) to allow our staff ample time to ensure all back-end details are covered and all purchasers are supported in getting signed in to the Zoom video platform on time as smoothly as possible.

An uncut replay of the entire event will be available for three weeks for all purchasers (through 2/17/22).

Can't attend the live event? The recording will be available to replay within 24 hours after the event's conclusion - and will be accessible for three weeks. After registering for the event, please feel free to submit your question for the Q&A session to [email protected].

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please limit your question to 80 words or less (more concise questions are more likely to be addressed).

(Online registration closes at 6:30pm PT on the day of the event. The Zoom link will be sent to you the day before the event as well as the day of.)

Matt Kahn

Matt Kahn is the author of the best-selling books Whatever Arises, Love That, Everything Is Here to Help You, and The Universe Always Has A Plan. His books have been translated into more than a dozen different languages around the world. In 2020, Matt was named as one of the 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People in the World by Watkins Magazine. He is a spiritual teacher and highly attuned empathic healer who has become a YouTube sensation with his healing and often humorous videos. More than 20 million YouTube channel viewers are finding comfort, inspiration, and relief from the challenges of daily life through his intuitive updates and helpful, uplifting heart-centered messages.

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Matt Kahn All For Love