Lars Muhl - In the Stillness of the Heart Workshop
Sat. Apr 15, 2017 10:00am - 5:30pm EDT
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In the Stillness of the Heart Workshop: Lessons from the SeerDanish mystic and author Lars Muhl will tell the story of his spiritual awakening. Prior to becoming a bestselling author, Lars was a successful singer-songwriter in Denmark and mainland Europe. When a breakdown left him bedridden for three years, a web of synchronicities led him to meet a Seer (Calle de Montsegur) who was able to revive him after a single phone call. The Seer was capable of not only diagnosing and curing people, no matter where they were on the globe, but was also able to read The Book of Life, where the destiny of mankind is recorded. The healing unleashed in Lars a new outlook on life and a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all living things. After his sister’s death in 1960, Lars, only ten years old, developed an ability to see though other people and share their pains and worries. Later in life, this multidimensional sensitivity was reopened, but in a much more positive way after his three-year apprenticeship with The Seer. In the Stillness of the Heart workshop, Lars will share the teachings that he received from The Seer. It will be about authentic attention and presence and how to use the sacred power of the heart and mind in service of healing. It is about precision in everything we do and how to penetrate the doldrums of everyday life. It is about how to lift ourselves up and bless our lives in the sacred light of Spirit. Saturday, April 15th10:00am to 5:30pm Unity of Sarasota3023 Proctor RoadSarasota, FL 34231 Sponsored by Elysian Fields and Unity of Sarasota Tickets are $80 in advance, $95 day of the event (cash at the door). More information is available at Join the Facebook event to stay in touch on this event.
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