Liberating Jesus - the Movie
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The Conscious Living Foundation Presents a FREE online screening of Liberating Jesus
Liberating Jesus is not just a movie - it's an event in consciousness.
The words of Jesus can be viewed from an enlightened perspective that is particularly relevant to those seeking to awaken to a higher level of consciousness.
This film portrays Jesus as a teacher of Awakening and a Revealer of The Way.
The message of this film is inspiring, enlightening, and liberating and will support you in your own awakening. It is not about bringing you to Jesus, or to any religion. It is about you, coming home to the truth of who you are.
Liberating Jesus is a film of the remarkable one-man play, written and performed by Leonard Jacobson. Leonard plays the role of Jesus returned.
The time is now...
Jesus has returned after a long and difficult journey since his death upon the cross. He has much to share with us about his life and death, and how his teaching has been misunderstood and misused.
The returned Jesus shows us a way out of separation and conflict and reveals the Oneness at the very heart of all paths and traditions.
This film will either inspire, enlighten, and delight you, or it will disturb you. It is very powerful. If you are a Christian who adheres rigidly to traditional Christian beliefs, you probably should NOT view this movie.
The Synopsis
In ACT 1, he speaks of his experience with John the Baptist, his opening into Oneness with God, his encounter with Satan, and his early experiences as a teacher of the Way. But then, the mood changes as he leads us through his experience of the crucifixion and shares with us what really happened to him on the cross. These revelations are both startling, and enlightening. He then reveals what has happened since his death upon the cross, and what he has had to endure to return to us.
In ACT 2, he reveals how his teachings have been misunderstood and misused, and he masterfully updates and clarifies his teaching. Sometimes forceful and direct, sometimes loving, and compassionate, Jesus is concerned about the current state of the world, and how the misuse of his teachings has contributed to human unconsciousness. He is insistent that Christians awaken to his true teaching, and that Jews fulfill their sacred covenant with God. What he shares offers guidance to Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, and anyone else interested in true awakening. Even atheists and agnostics will find it meaningful.
About Leonard Jacobson
Mystic, author and teacher, Leonard Jacobson, is deeply committed to helping others break through to the joyous experience of living in the Now. For almost 40 years, Leonard has been sharing a direct path to awakening which is infused with love, compassion, and truth.
In 1981, Leonard experienced the first of a series of profound, spontaneous spiritual awakenings, in which he received a series of startling revelations about Jesus.
Although these revelations affirmed the divinity of Jesus at the deepest level, nevertheless, there were some astounding departures from traditional Christian beliefs. Feeling overwhelmed by what was revealed, Leonard chose not to speak of this for many years, until in 2008 he wrote the play, Liberating Jesus and performed this live in Los Angeles and Santa Cruz, California.
Leonard is the author of five books. He lives in Minnesota and offers regular teaching sessions, workshops, and longer residential retreats in the United States, Europe, Australia and Asia.
Leonard's teachings on awakening are a powerful reminder that in truth, there is no life outside of this moment.
For more information, visit
What others are saying
"A revolutionary view of Jesus, one that reveals his true message.” David Welch, producer of The Peaceful Warrior.
"This story is so powerful. I can feel its deep truth resonating in me. Everyone, with ears to hear, needs to hear this hidden treasure." H.S. France
"...I have prayed for a film such as this that tells the absolute truth of JESUS mission here on earth...Word for word you speak that truth and finally reveal it upon the earth....such a courageous and bold act and yet it is needed right now more than ever!" R.B., United Kingdom
"Liberating Jesus, the movie, is indeed an event in consciousness, one which you so beautifully, brought to life! True teaching is an art, it comes from one who has lived and embodied and integrated the experience being taught. Your offering to us is your authentic, wholly lived journey home to Presence and wholeness and an embodied Christ Consciousness..... Your Voice is a beacon and a blessing." M.A., USA
"All I can say is wow. I saw Leonard perform this in Provence and was speechless after it. I have just watched it again now and am speechless. Thank you so much for sharing and re-releasing it " H.M, Ireland.
"Wonderful... Your message, your "way-showing" is clear." R.J., Australia
"Thank you Leonard, for demonstrating and sharing moment to moment the state of being in the godliness dimension. Thank you for your guidance to remaining there. And thank you for sharing your human-ness as it arises." F.S, USA
"Leonard's teaching, his ability to simplify and make clear what mind and ego makes complicated, his sharp seeing of ones own readiness and his never wavering commitment to truth, to our awakening, has brought deep trust into my life." K.D., Denmark
"Thank you deeply, for you, your Presence, and the gift of your silliness and humanness all wrapped into a package of mastery. You are a gift to me and many... My soul is grateful." - J.F., USA