Mantra Medicine (Intro) with Michelle Coutinho

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Open your channel to fully access and embody the Voice of Your Soul.

This is an 8 min video of the Heart Sutra Mantra

You will also receive a Mantra Breakdown of what the chant means and instructions on how to be in communion with it and use it in your spiritual practice.

There are teachings on how to use our voices for healing, why mantra is so important, and how to become an embodiment of prayer. Practice the art of invocation through prayer and song and awaken and enliven your voice + daily spiritual practice!

Let the MANTRA
work its M E D I C I N E
into your S O U L


Gone gone, gone beyond. Gone beyond the beyond. All hail the goer.


When We Sing Mantra
We Are Opening to a Field of Grace.

When we do our spiritual practices ritualistically and with DEEP DEVOTION + DISCIPLINE we live in a feeling of SURRENDER and we sense a field of GRACE carry us through the decisions we have to make in our lives!

Because you know that every time you DROP IN WITH YOURSELF you hear the voice of your inner guidance so distinctly, that you begin to trust yourself more, follow-through and act on your divine inspirations, and ACTIVATE THE TRUEST EXPRESSION OF YOUR SOUL.

So let us COMMUNE with each other in this gorgeous online Temple space that we will create together.

May we gather together to raise our voices, and honor and amplify our SACRED SELF EXPRESSION.

Michelle Coutinho is a Teacher, Healer, and Vocal Empowerment Coach who has been practicing and sharing the art of Mantra chanting for the past 10 years. She has personally worked with and been trained by many teachers of Bhakti Yoga such as Ram Dass, Krishna Das, Nina Rao, Dave Stringer, Suzanne Sterling, Sianna Sherman, and Paul Temple.

Michelle helps her clients and students build self trust, activate their voices, clear karma, heal ancestral trauma, and deepen their relationships with themselves, their inner power, and with Spirit. She is also a featured teacher on Insight Timer offering weekly transmissions and dharma talks, Vocal Alchemy for Chakra Clearing.

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