Moon Femmes New Moon Event
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About this Event
Welcome to the ONLINE new Moon Celebration!
Celebrate the new moon magic and shift your chakras!
MOON FEMMES is a spiritual, healing & personal development series held on each new moon. We gather to learn, heal, and transform through the powerful energy of the Moon.
The new moon is the most powerful time of the month to reflect, rebalance and renew. Using the vibrations of the new moon, you uplevel your energetic flow, set intentions and plan actionable steps to manifest what you want in your life! You will work in unison with the universal flow to magnetize your needs, wants and desires.
This ain't your Mama’s moon circle.
We dance, we sing, we meditate, we beam. We talk, we heal, we spin the vortex and clean!
We reflect, we receive, we tap with E-F-T. We protect, we reflect, we close the circle and leave.
As we clean and clear our energetic field, we are removing all of the old outdated energies that are no longer in alignment with who we are or where we are going. Just like cleaning out your closet, this opens up space for the new and improved experiences which are more in alignment with who you are today.
New Moon in Virgo Coupled With The Fall Equinox
This is a really powerful new moon and energetic opening! With all that we have been through this past 6 months with the Covid pandemic, the heightened calls for social justice, the upcoming elections…this new moon coupled with the fall equinox is a healing balm. This moon is about pausing and resetting for the months ahead.
Virgo Moon is all about focus and order. It’s time to set routines that will keep us steady so that we can manage and manifest our highest visions. What routines and rituals do you have in your life that are zapping your energy and taking you off path? What routines and rituals are you rocking that you need to amp up?
This is the time to rebalance and create rituals and routines to support you emotionally, mentally and physically.
Its time to put you first by creating your own personal rituals and routines that are non negotiable as you navigate this new season.
Prepare to honor and release the past as we rebirth you into your new vibration, full of excitement and joy!
Ezina, RYT is a KRI-Certified Kundalini Yoga teacher, An ayurvedic practitioner, author and a Reiki Master who specializes in artistic entrepreneurship. She combines degrees in business and metaphysics with a vast knowledge of yogic science, EFT, Reiki and meditation.
Ezina’s teachings are powerful and insightful, combining a deep understanding of the creative arts and a delicate grasp of the artistic soul. Her books Grow Your Star, Surrender to Sadhana, Meditation for Musicians and Simplistic Bliss bring illumination to people all over the world.
Ezina walks the path of many spiritual lineages and enjoys weaving the golden threads back into oneness through books, poetry, meditation, music, yoga, reiki and movement. Her greatest honor is to help people connect, remember and manifest their highest vision of themselves.
She transmutes chaos into beauty, through storytelling, writing, and timeless teachings, her goal is to serve as an oracle between the seen and the unseen.
☾ Pre-Ritual Cleansing Exercises
☾ Breathing Exercises - You can use anywhere
☾ Energy Excavation Exercises - Learn how to tap into your own intuition and see what is out of alignment for you
☾ Cord Cutting- Cut the energetic cords to people, places and things that are blocking your happiness, health & wealth
☾ Chakra Clearing- Learn how to clear your chakras from head to toe
☾ Energy Healing Experience - Release stuck, stagnant and sticky energy during our Reiki circle and become a manifesting magnet
☾ Release emotional blocks - learn tools to release moldy, old, outdated emotional habits, patterns and belief systems
☾ Goals With Soul: After clearing it’s time to reimagine our lives. With bright new eyes we set our intentions for our life and
☾ Clarity and actions Learn graceful and powerful steps to take to bring your goals into reality
☾ Manifesting Magic- Learn my personal manifesting map that I have used to bring in love, wealth, happiness and success.
☾ Post Ritual Exercises - to keep you energized and fired up about manifesting your dreams.
☾ Download the New Moon Manuscript
☾ Sage incense or spray to clear yourself and your space
☾ Gather your favorite crystals, candles, wands and healing tools
☾ Journal and your favorite pen or pencil
☾ Prepare your favorite Beverage to sip during and after ceremony
☾ Upgrade your zoom and computer software the day before so there are no hiccups to you joining in
☾ Log in 10 minutes early so you're relaxed and ready at 7pm
☾ headphones so you can hear without interference or distractions
☾ Silence your phone unless you are using it to join us:)
☾ Dress comfortably in clothes you feel amazing in.
*All sales final. If you can not make it, please pass your ticket on to someone who really, really, needs this.