Discover The Heart and Art of Raga

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A Free Video Event With Rishima Bahadoorsingh 

The ancient Indian art of Raga is a spiritual practice in musical form. Drawing on her unique Indo-Trinidadian roots and years of study in Indian classical music, Rishima Bahadoorsingh will guide students through an exploration of the basic musical and spiritual principles of Raga. These principles and practices can be a gateway to the realization of profound beauty, serenity and divine awareness in our lives.

Verses on musical sciences such as Raga and mantra chanting are recorded in the Vedas (1500 BCE – 500 BCE), the oldest Hindu scriptures. The chanting of mantras and hymns from the Rig Veda and music from the Sama Veda was practiced by yogis, sadhus and the local community. Raga is considered a form of Nada Yoga—the Yoga of Sound.

The word Yoga means “Union,” and by studying Nada Yoga, we learn to use sound to achieve a deep sense of unity with nature and the divine.

Poetic themes of devotion, love, humanity, divinity, the natural cycle (seasons) and spiritual concepts are interwoven with Raga (melody) Tala (rhythm) and Bhava (emotion). These have the ability to take singers, musicians and listeners deeper within themselves, to reach states of love, peace and truth.

This video will benefit those who want to deepen their knowledge of the traditional systems related to bhakti, mantra, kirtan and meditation. You do not have to be a musician to benefit, although kirtan leaders, singers and players will fill discover much to anchor and enhance their craft.

About Rishima Bahadoorsingh:

Growing up in two worlds, within an Indian family in Canada, Rishima began singing spiritual Indian songs in the temple traditions of bhajans, kirtan and other devotional styles at a young age. She went on to study classical Raga within the traditional gharana system of instruction, often staying at her guru’s ashram to listen to lectures, sing and engage in spiritual practices. In 2016, she says her world was changed by the discovery of Dhrupad, an ancient, meditative style of Indian classical singing that originated from the Sama Veda. This led her to a deep connection with Nada Yoga—the Yoga of Sound. Her goal as a teacher is to make the intricacies and beauty of classical Raga and traditional bhajans accessible to all, and to spark love within ourselves through sound.

Partial proceeds from Rishima’s lessons and performances go to the school she runs, as Director of the Sol Community Education Society. 


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