Manifest - Discover Love in Soul Mates

Sat. Oct 31, 2020 at 11:30am GMT
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All Ages
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Manifest - Discover Love in Soul Mates


What is a Soul Mate?

A SOUL MATE is one in whom you ignite love in and one whom ignites love in you - a love that can endure the innumerable challenges of life.a

MANIFEST: Love With Your Soulmate will:

Heal your past relationships
Deepen your current ones, and
Create the relationship of your dreams

MANIFEST is a powerful, three-hour online process, guided by Sri Preethaji that will Awaken your Consciousness to love with your Soul Mate.

Beyond her wisdom, meditations and mystical processes, Sri Preethaji will bless us with the Limitless Field Meditation.

It is a rare opportunity to be taught by this mystic philosopher sage, who has helped transform the lives and consciousness of millions of people worldwide.

Please gather your families and friends, co-workers and neighbors, and receive the gifts that await you!

About Sri Preethaji ~

Sri Preethaji is a philosopher-sage who impacts people around the world through the power of her consciousness.

In her wisdom teachings, Sri Preethaji creates a convergence between the two worlds - the scientific and the transcendental; the intellect and the heart.

Learning from Sri Preethaji awakens us to a new consciousness, a new life and the power to create a new world.

Please encourage your near and dear ones to register now!

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