SoulSteady Movement

Sat. Nov 13, 2021 9:00am - 10:30am EST
All Ages
All Ages
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All Ages
Event Description

* Freestyle dance celebration-meditation where your body and soul are your teachers.*

SoulSteady sessions are an invitation to travel on the wings of music in a healing mystical journey. KarunaDera weaves together musical masterpieces of all genres and eras to create a rich tapestry of sound, uniting our dance tribe in reflection, devotion, and liberation.

Some find the music inspires them to dance while others absorb it in stillness and meditation- there are many ways to travel and explore. One needs only to be present with whatever is evoked by the journey. Meet it. Invite it in.

All abilities, bodies, and modes of movement are welcome and honored.

Shake, rattle, roll, sit, lie down or just breathe.

Show up and let your body guide you - trust & surrender to the life force within.

Suggested Exchange: $10-50

Venmo: @SoulsEnterprise

Zelle:  [email protected]

PayPal: [email protected]

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Venue Details
Zoom zuma beach
Malibu, CA 90265