Wah! Healing Concert
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Healing Concert
World Peace. Peace Within.
A multi-media concert which combines projections, slow moving laser lights and live music by Wah! to inspire world peace and peace within. Using sonic and visual images from our natural universe, Wah! creates a feature length performance of profound beauty.
Wah! has performed The Healing Concert at theatres, expos, conferences, planetariums and universities throughout the country, including UC Boulder's Fiske Planetarium, Reuben H. Fleet Science Center, Loyola Marymount University, and NJ State Museum in Trenton. She has run a record label for 20 years and published books on yoga and healing. Wah! teaches women's workshops, cancer survivor classes, and creates community by focusing on projects that bring harmony to people and Mother Nature. www.wahmusic.com
Yoga Flow SF http://www.yogaflowsf.com
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When the audience arrives for a Healing Concert, they are welcomed by nature - a sunset or a slide show of flowers and natural beauty. Right away, the environment is inviting and relaxing. The concert begins with slow-moving projections of outer space. Songs, parts of songs, loops, delays, sounds of foghorns, birds, or whales mix together to create a soundscape which is part performance and part spacious invitation. Some audience members might not even have their eyes open when the healing lights come on, but if they did they would see the beautiful lights bathing the audience in constellation-like patterns, the Northern Lights moving along the horizon. Wah!'s voice alone could inspire lowered heartrates and stress levels, but she speaks, sings and plays with messages of love and peace. The audience drifts, dreams, sighs, and relaxes. When a slow rotating Earth is visible in the sky Wah! asks everyone to pray for world peace or sing along with an ancient prayer from India (Lokaha Samastaha Sukhino Bhavantu) wishing peace to the planet and its people. At the end of the concert Wah! distributes flower petals to each audience member.
The concert brings attention to the need for harmony and balance in ourselves and our world. "We are at a pivotal point in history; there are more people on the planet now than ever before. We have to find a way to come back into harmony with Mother Nature," says Wah! "We give out flower petals at the end of each Healing Concert to inspire hope, caring and compassion. People take them home and give them to friends, put them in the garden, creating pathways for peace."