Yoga of Compassion - A Dharma Talk
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According to the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (1.33) one way to purify the mind and increase serenity is to practice compassion (karuna) in the face of suffering. Compassion means ''shared feeling'' a level of sympathy so deep that it inspires action to alleviate another's pain or sorrow.
Forgiveness, according to some, is the ultimate expression of compassion. But the true test of compassion may be whether or not you can also extend it to yourself (self-compassion).
This Dharma talk by the Founder & Chairman of Go Dharmic, Hanuman Dass joined by Raghu Markus, Love Serve Remember Foundation, will explore concepts of compassion and dharma and how selfless acts of service can help us find peace & purpose. Hanuman will share his thoughts on how to improve your well-being, be kinder to all living beings, and live a more fulfilled, connected inner and outer life.
Go Dharmic found in 2011 is a volunteer led force for positive social impact. It exists to help create a more compassionate, non - violent world. Inspired by the philosophical concept of Dharma and founded on the teachings of Neem Karoli Baba and the message to Love all, Feed All, Serve All, GD's calling is to equip ourselves and others with the knowledge and practical means to reduce the suffering of all living beings.
Join this intimate talk and receive a free copy of ''The power of Dharma''.