Sacred Moon Women's Circle ($20.00)

Presenters: Suzi Zappile and Shalini Breault
Times: Saturday (11:00 AM-12:00 PM), Sunday (3:15 - 4:15 PM)
Cost: $20

There is something so powerful that happens when women come together to support each other in sacred circle. Awaken your creative potential, liberate the goddess within, and unlock your energetic blocks. Together we will harness the energies of the goddesses and the harvest moon amplified by the technology of kundalini yoga and sound therapy, creating a powerful personal transformation and healing, alongside a deep connection to a conscious feminine community.

Join us to experience:
-Awakening your creativity and removing energetic blocks through Kundalini yoga exercises & breathing techniques
-Healing through Crystal Bowl sound therapy
-Connecting to your inner goddess
- Celebration of your divine feminine vibrancy, sensuality and radiance through dance and meditation.
- Learning how to attune to the elemental rhythms, seasons and cycles of yourself, your womb and the moon
- Sharing sacred space with other like-spirited women – share your stories and yourselves, honor and be honored as women.

Together we will magnify the power of our intentions and energetically create a web of support, not just for each other, but for women everywhere.