Make Your Own SpiritCrown ($70.00)

Presenter: Sophie Howell
Time: Saturday, 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Cost: $70

In the spirit of festivity celebrated all over the world, come harness the power of your imagination as artist Sophie Howell will lead a hands on, inclusive workshop in making feather, flowered, jeweled Spirit Crowns.

Learn about ornamentation through the ages, often indicating divine nature and connection to Spirit, whether for shaman or deity.

Conceive and create your ultimate, one of a kind, wearable art and celebratory expression.

A guided meditation will help us connect with our truest and most powerful attributes and direct our creativity. Manifest a concept, decorate an old favorite (spirit crowns double as a hat band), or simply run wild with your imagination. Flex your creative juices and see what your inner goddess wants to embody.

After the completion of our Spirit Crown, each participant will have the opportunity to show their unique creation and share their experience with the rest of the class.

Sophie will also have her own creations for sale.

If you are artsy, crafty, enjoy costumes & epic custom accessories, like to look good, feel good, reinvigorate your sisterhood, want to learn a new skill, bask in the glory of ornamental awesomeness, connect with the treasures of nature, and Crown YoSelf Queen/King of your domain, you absolutely need to join this workshop.